Four Simple Goals

I’ve been participating in #bloglikecrazy at my own pace. I didn’t begin this challenge to blog every day in November until halfway through that month, and though I’ve blogged most days since I began, I haven’t worried about taking a few off here and there.

The next prompt is to set four simple goals for the rest of the year. (The prompt was intended to be addressed on Nov. 14, so there would have been a little more time left in the year. Oh well.) I always find December challenging, so perhaps this is perfect timing.

First, I want to remain present this month. December is so crazy, with deadlines at work made more difficult by sources becoming hard to get in touch with during the holidays, with Christmas parties, with expectations for the season. Since I’ve been in journalism, I’ve dreaded this time of year. But I’m in better spirits so far this month, and I’m aiming to remain present in the day to day rather than wishing my way into January.

I also want to stay calm. The aforementioned deadlines have stressed me out in the past. Because so many people take the week between Christmas and New Year’s off, the deadline for our February issue is usually the year’s most challenging. I’ve tried to plan this year with that in mind, while also warning new staff members that this is how things to tend to go. I’m preparing the best I can while aiming to accept the rest.

I want to (need to!) stop shopping. I finished my Christmas shopping weeks ago, and the gifts are wrapped and under the tree at my house and my parents’ house in Florida. But all of the sales, the promotions, the holiday craft bazaars can be tempting, and often result in me buying more gifts–or buying for myself. I’ve got plenty, and I know my friends and family aren’t concerned with me spending more money on them.

Finally, I want to prepare for a quieter 2013. One of my weaknesses is overextending myself, and I’m already taking steps away from that for next year. But even as I turn down one commitment, it’s tempting for me to replace it with another. I’d like to spend the remainder of this month remembering how valuable “me time” is, and continue to prioritize that in the future.

One thought on “Four Simple Goals

  1. Great goals here. I need to work toward some of them myself. I’m really bad about overspending and getting very stressed during the holidays. I also would like to have a quieter 2013, but I’m just not sure if I can really make that happen and still achieve all I want to do with See Jane Write and my blog. Sigh.

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