“When in doubt, wear red.” –Bill Blass

Enough black heels. One pair of brown is enough, especially when considered alongside a pair of brown cowboy boots. I don’t need any sneakers or winter shoes. It’s time for red high heels.

So went my thoughts in early October. I was on a shoe shopping kick, and a visit to Atlanta merited a shopping spree with my friend Adriene. When we entered the homeland (also known as DSW: Discount Shoe Warehouse), I walked straight for the clearance racks with one goal in mind:

I needed a pair of red heels.

Adriene accompanied me to the 6.5 section, and before I could properly take in the display before me she spotted a sassy pair of red shoes. She handed them to me and I fell in love. (I called Alisa that afternoon and told her to stop accusing me of commitment issues.) The red slingbacks with a fake wooden heel were not only my favorite brand, but they were ultra-cute.

The shopping trip would have been memory enough for a regular pair of shoes, but these sweet red shoes (or “lipstick for the feet,” as I’ve been known to call them) make each wear memorable.

In fact, they should probably be dubbed my new “Grand Ole Opry shoes.” When I visited the Opry with a group of four friends in December, all four of us ladies sported red shoes (three wore heels and the fourth sported red sneakers). We tried to convince our male companion to bust out a pair of red heels—in fact, we had an extra pair!—but he refused.

Hot mommas!

However, my Opry pal this weekend promises to be much more complaint. No, he’s not wearing red heels—I may be able to convince men to do crazy things, but that’s not one of them. 😉 But he planned his outfit around a pair of red sneakers (that he did not yet own!) after I mentioned plans to wear my red heels in honor of one of the musicians we’re going to see. (If Patty Griffin doesn’t warrant my lipstick shoes, who does?!) Once again, I’ll be planning my day’s attire around the shoes on my feet.

I wore them twice within a week of purchasing!
Red sling backs with wooden heel, Unisa, $35 (I don’t remember how much they were originally)

In the right heels, a woman feels invincible.

“Every item of clothing has a narrative.” –Nancy Macdonell Smith

Smith, author of The Classic Ten, seems to understand the relationship I have with clothes. It’s not so much that I’m obsessed (though I’ve developed a growing shoe fetish under the influence of all these ‘Bama girls). But I am a very nostalgic person, and I do attach memories to certain pieces of clothing.

My black, off-the-shoulder stretch top from Delia*s always reminds me of my first trip to the Grand Ole Opry wiht the last guy I dated. (Don’t you feel so special!) I associate my pretty pink twirly Gap skirt with church the weekend of my summer project reunion. My gray pinstripe pants are reminiscent of my interview with Birmingham magazine and work days at Campus Crusade for Christ’s HQ. I have a pink trench that reminds me of breaking up with the aforementioned boy, but more recently became my “I’m getting my master’s degree!” coat.

Yes, I do try to replace negative memories with more positive ones. I know it’s a little weird. Welcome to my mind.

Likewise, I associate memories with each pair of shoes I own. I don’t have that many–only 15 pairs, and I’ve decided that one of these needs to be contributed to Goodwill. (I’d ask what I was thinking, but I know what I was thinking: I was thinking that I was in high school, chunky heels were in and I was poor.)

After returning home with my newest (and sexiest!) pair of heels, I was inspired to tell you the story of my life (or at least, the past few years of my life) through my shoes. The latest pair doesn’t have much noteworthy attributed to them… yet. But I’m sure they’ll merit something more mentionable than a touring show of Thoroughly Modern Millie in the near future. Maybe they can be my “I need a job and you’re going to offer it to me!” shoes.

Sexy snakeskin pumps
Green snakeskin pumps with ankle strap, Nine West, $25 ($69 retail)

Freeze frame

I’m a few days behind in offering a year end entry… but since it’s still the first week of 2005, I don’t think it’s really too late to reveal my bestof 2004.

However, it’s boring to be just like everyone else… so here’s my own personal twist on the year in review. 😉 Most of these songs were released in 2004, but all of them were added to my collection during that year. (And yes, I need to update my CD page over there… but I will mention that I met my resolution for last year. I limited to myself to one CD or less per week, resulting in only 41 CDs for the year. I’m so good.)

Sexiest Vocal: Marc Broussard, “Home” from Carencro
Have you heard the man sing? It’s a shame the rest of the album is so bland.

Song that most makes me wanna throw myself off a building: TIE Patty Griffin, “Top of the World” from Impossible Dream and Ryan Adams, “Wonderwall” from Love is Hell Part One
Yes, in my little world, wanting to throw yourself off a building is somehow an appropriate response to good music.

Song that made me cry the hardest: “Still Hurting,” from the Original Cast Recording of The Last 5 Years
Oh MY gosh. I need this CD. This has to be the saddest break up song of all time. What a great actress… you can just feel the sorrow in her voice.

Hit the nail on the head song of the year: Tara Leigh Cobble, “Here’s to Hindsight” from Things You Can’t Stop with Your Hands
Of course, if “Winter’s Ending” were new to be in 2004, it would have won. In any case, TLC hit home with this one, especially the bridge: “And all today’s uncertainties and all of my impatience will just be flecks of color in the picture that He’s painting.” Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. (;))

I can’t explain it, I just have to dance: Jem, “They” from Finally Woken
Alisa thought this song was so weird… and well, it is. But the album is MUCH fun to dance around to when no one else is home. (It also reminds me of the first day of summer project, ’cause it’s what I was listening to as I pulled into Pine Harbor. Oh, the memories…)

Best remake of the artist’s own song: Sandra McCracken, “Plenty” from Best Laid Plans
The original version of this song was one of my favorite tracks on McCracken’s last album. But this re-recorded version rocks my face off… the strings are stellar. I usually have to listen to it several times before moving on to the rest of the CD.

Most likely to scare Alisa if she met the song in a dark alley: Dave Matthews, “Grave Digger” from Some Devil
Granted, when Alisa said she never wanted to see Dave Matthews angry, it was after listening to Before These Crowded Streets. Just the same, I love his vocal on this song. It’s sort of creepy, but it’s fabulous.

Best song that was made even better by another band: TIE Carrie Newcomer, “I Should’ve Known Better” from Betty’s Diner: The Best of Carrie Newcomer and Oasis, “Wonderwall” from (What’s the Story) Morning Glory?
The originals were excellent, but Nickel Creek and Ryan Adams (respectively) took these songs to greater heights.

Song that best describes my fears about relationships (for now): Chris Thile, “On Ice” from Deceiver
This is absolutely one of my favorite songs that was released this year. It truly would fit well with Nickel Creek’s material on This Side, but it is a jewel regardless of where it’s placed. Thile is an amazing songwriter and musician… and this song is just too quotable. I have used at least three different sections of it in away messages, but I really could use the whole thing at any given moment. 🙂

Song that I love even though I can’t sing along with some of the lyrics: Damien Rice, “Woman Like a Man” from B Sides
I’m 99.9% sure this is the only “parental advisory advised” disc in my entire collection, and this song is most of the reason why. And unfortunately, the part I won’t sing is in the CHORUS, so it’s repeated quite a bit. But it’s just a great song, no matter how much I hate that word.

Cheesiest country song that I don’t mind admitting I like: Sugarland, “Baby Girl” from Twice the Speed of Life
Yes, it’s cheesy. Yes, it’s totally pop-country. But yeah, they’re great performers and I love singing this while driving down the road… especially the part that’s Nashville-specific. We all need a little cheese from time to time!

And the whole world has to answer right now just to tell me once again…

Aren’t memories the funniest things?

You might be going through the mundane motions of life – folding laundry, for example – when something unexpected triggers a memory. Just like that, you find yourself reflecting on days gone by.

Most recently, it was a pair of gray men’s sweatpants that left me reeling. My laundry was spread across the floor of my den, sorted into piles according to final destination. As I was folding a stack headed for the closet, I lifted said sweatpants from the floor.

Can you be nostalgic for a time only months ago?

It hasn’t been long since the women of OSP challenged the men of OSP in a “Battle of the Sexes.” One particular Monday night, representatives from each team took the stage in a dance competition. Despite the trash the men talked, the women danced away with a victory.

The pants quickly became my favorite “bumming around” attire for the remainder of the summer. Silly as it may be, they now bring back memories as warm and fuzzy as the pants themselves.

Who's bad?

Love ya, OSP!

Love has come and it’s giving me hope to carry on

After two days of freedom from OSP [Orlando Summer Project] rules and regulations, I’ve realized something:

I have yet to do anything that’s OSP inappropriate!

My suitcase holds several tank tops, but I haven’t worn anything that violates the high standards of my summer dress code. My mother offered me a glass of wine, but I wasn’t in the mood. To be honest, I feel like a bit of a slacker for sleeping in the past two mornings (though Lord knows the rest has done me some good!). This is life, post-OSP.

In all seriousness, I’m excited to see how this summer has changed me. After 10 weeks in a “Christian bubble,” I know my sensitivity has been heightened. I’ve been shocked to see some of the clothes people wear, and it’s weird to spot people with cigarettes.

Likewise, I anticipate changes in my behavior. I can already think of a few shirts that will be sent to Goodwill. I’m considering (maybe) purchasing a new Christian CD.

But the ways God has worked in me this summer haven’t all been so minor. He’s moving me past bitterness – a much needed change, as many will tell you. He opened my eyes to new possibilities for my future, and He introduced me to some amazing people.

I can’t numerate His works for you off-hand, but you better believe I’ll be processing through some of that over the next several weeks. I miss my fellow interns, but at the same time – it’s good to be back. Bring on real life!

Oh, how I miss these kids...!

And I will wait to find if this will last forever

I lead a charmed life.

Sure, I have plenty of problems. Some of them are even major issues, things so serious that I’ve been praying about them for years. But the hard times are more than compensated for by the blessings I’ve received.

One of those has been the number of amazing roommates I’ve had. During my years at FSU, I heard many of my friends complain about roommate problems. I was always left marveling at my good fortune.

That “luck” (if you want to call it that) started with a game of roommate roulette prior to my freshman year. I was late in applying for housing and didn’t know anyone to ask to be my roommate, so I allowed Florida State to pair me with someone. That “someone” was Alison, a reserved girl from Gainesville who thought I had fun taste in music and didn’t mind when my milk spilled all over the fridge (even though she was a vegan). Despite our differences, we got along fabulously. We loved creating jokes that drove Heather crazy, and we respected one another’s space. Our giggles carried into the next several years – we remained roommates until I left Tallahassee in December 2002.

During the summer between our first and second years, I subleased an apartment with Apryl. We bonded when we lived diagonally from one another in the dorm (Heather was her roommate). The six-week summer session was filled with visits to Stetson’s, dinner parties and dancing in the rain. Apryl and I will probably never live together again – our living preferences are completely different. But we walked away from that summer with new memories that continue to bring laughter even five years later. (And Apryl continues to tell those stories to everyone we meet! ;))

Get down, boot scootin' boogie!
That’s Apryl on my right.

Alison and I were reunited as roommates when the fall semester started, though this time we lived down the hall from one another in the townhouse we shared with two other girls. I’ve already mentioned Heather, with whom I have spent countless talking till four a.m. Those two shared a bedroom, and I roomed with Paula on the other side of the apartment. The four of us moved across town to a four bedroom house in August 2001. Some of my favorite memories of those years come from the hours we spent in the living room, talking about everything and nothing or watching (and mocking) Paula’s soap operas. Heather and I were able to spend some quality time with Paula several weekends ago on the evening before her wedding. It was so much fun to watch one of my roommates walk down the aisle and begin a new chapter of life!

Peace out, homies!
Me & Heather hamming it up – as usual!
After Paula and I graduated, Heather’s little sister Erin and my little sister Cristin moved into the house. (Yes, she was so… so PAULA that it took two people to even begin to fill her space! ;)) That was an experience! They are both very dramatic – we used to describe them to people as “imagine us, only on speed.” They too were a bit messier than I prefer, but we had some great times belting out “How the Other Half Lives” in the living room.

When I moved to Alabama, I found a place to sublease using a roommate Web site. Even then, the girls I ended up with (Lauren and Sarah) were good roommates. We weren’t as close as I have been with the others, but we enjoyed one another’s company and even spent some time together outside the apartment. (And more importantly, Lauren was even more of a neat freak than I am! I felt like the sloppy one!)

Today marks the end of an era, according to my current roommate. I half laugh whenever Alisa utters that phrase; though I agree with her, it seems an era would be so much longer than the ten months we’ve spent together. I believe it was on my first night in San Diego last summer that I prayed about the friendship that would grow as we were roommates. I had prayed about it before (hey, pray without ceasing and all that jazz!), but it wasn’t until then that I considered how little time we had actually spent together. I suspected that we would have a blast as roommates, but we had only met once before. I suspected that the next two weeks (in which we would hang out in California and then drive across the country) would reveal a lot about how we would get along in the months to come.

CHEESE! Yes, we're silly.

I was right.

Self take photos rock!

We had a blast on that trip – I couldn’t have asked for a better time! We’ve learned each other’s quirks and know how to read one another’s behavior. She knows what it means when I’m eating too much popcorn, and I have the freedom to tell her when she’s overthinking. We’re not embarrassed to dance around the apartment like fools… or to dance in public like fools. We can have a great time taking pictures around Tuscaloosa (at least once a month!) or simply sitting in the apartment discussing theology.

Good times before Linus puked all over the apartment.

She’s been my closest friend in the state, which has been especially significant in a time when such friends were few and far between. I’m going to miss her when I return in August (heck, I’m going to miss her when I drive away today!), but that’s the beauty of these deep friendships. They don’t just fade away unless you give up on them. I’ve always thought that a roommate is a special kind of friend. It’s almost like having a twin sister – someone with whom you’re so close that you can express your thoughts with minimal words.

San Diego 2005? Here’s hoping!

I created a monster. And yes, I'm proud.

And I will pay no mind When it won’t, and it won’t, ’cause it can’t, It just can’t (It’s not supposed to).
–John Mayer

Keeping time

I’ve got a little habit that I’ve only recently realized is strange.

I celebrate the anniversaries of all sorts of things – mentally, at the very least. Let me give you a few examples.

26 April 2004 – 2 year anniversary of college graduation
24 May 2004 – 23rd birthday of the guy I liked for three years in my early teens
4 June 2004 – 12 year anniversary of that time we went to Disney World in sixth grade
1 July 2004 – 7 year anniversary of getting my braces off
25 Oct 2004 – 2 years since one painful DTR, 3 years since another
2 Nov 2004 – 5 years of walking with the Lord
12 Nov 2004 – 9 years since I performed in a NFL halftime show

You get the idea. Some of these events are rather significant; I’ll probably tally the years since my college graduation and since I got real in my faith for decades to come. Although some of the events I remember are silly, the others have served as mile markers for me. I can look at some major points in my life and recognize how far I’ve come since.

I remember the freedom that I felt at Providence Canyon. That was the day that I decided I wasn’t going on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ (two years ago this month). I remember the tears I cried on the drive to Matt Schoolfield’s graduation party. I can’t forget driving through the streets of Trussville and bawling as “Somewhere North” filled my car.

And if I’m wise, neither will I forget the lessons that Jesus has taught me in the time since.

Memories #6

Top Ten College Memories: Memory #9

April 19, 2002

When it comes to nostalgia, I’ll admit that I’m a blubbering mess. I hate crying in public, but I express my emotions through my eyes so frequently that it’s hard to avoid. 🙂

That was the case on a spring evening in 2002, one week prior to my college graduation. I was active in Campus Crusade for Christ during my years at Florida State, and we celebrate the graduation of our seniors every spring by hosting a banquet for the entire ministry.

The banquet for this particular year was slightly different from the others I had attended. Instead of church clothes, we went semi-formal. Our staff interns were leaving that semester, as well. We opened the banquet with several ladies performing a dance to “I Can Only Imagine,” and concluded with music and dancing.

But of course the biggest difference in my eyes was that I was graduating. This evening was a celebration of all that had happened in the three years prior – while it was a tear eliciting event, it was also a joyful occassion. The words that my friend Stacy spoke about our friendship were a blessing, but I don’t think I started crying until after I saw tears running down my roommate Alison’s face. We had lived together since our freshman year, and God did a lot in both of our lives during that time.

After all of the seniors had been introduced, we moved into the music and fun portion of the evening. Heather approached me with a gift that Joyce had sent with her. (Joyce was in Minnesota preparing for a mission trip and getting to know her future husband. 😉 ) I read the card included and laughed as I reached the end – “Please ask Heather to hug you right now… pretend those are my arms.” Hebs gave me an authentic Joyce hug, and I laughed through the tears.

(I guess you could say that Joyce and I have developed a habit of missing these events in each other’s lives. It’s funny – though not in a “ha ha” sort of way – how that works out. She missed my senior banquet and I believe my graduation party, I missed her wedding…)

That evening holds memories that won’t quickly be forgotten. I treasure the picture of some of my favorite Crusade guys belting out “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.” I still dance around a room whenever I hear “I Can Only Imagine.” But most of all, I continue to celebrate the friendships that God continues to use to sharpen me and mold me in His image.

Yet I am always with you;
you hold me by my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward you will take me into glory.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:23-26