I start walkin’ your way, you start walkin’ mine

My friend Mark and I were in the middle of a long-overdue catch-up phone call when I told him about my impending “date” with my favorite 2 year old. Recently I’ve made a habit of hanging out with my friends’ son. He just became a big brother, so I figure a little time spoiling him is a worthy investment. This child and I have quickly bonded.

“We live in different worlds,” Mark said.

Mark’s living it up in D.C., working on Capitol Hill and living his dreams. And though two of my last three dates involved a 2 year old, I’m living mine as well.

The weekend before my Chick-fil-a date night was packed. I attended Art on the Rocks that Friday night in one of my very favorite dresses. After mixing, mingling and scavenger hunting, some of our crew was ready to go but our rides were still socializing. So we walked. A mile. In our party clothes. With a plate of mashed sweet potatoes. The group had planned on a quick trip to the pool after the art museum, but we were quickly thrown out by pool security. Instead, the night ended with pizza and wine around the apartment’s fountain.

Saturday was low-key, and I didn’t leave my house till at least 4 p.m. Decked out in our more casual garden party clothes, a girl friend and I attended a benefit in the city’s urban garden. And though I’m not good with spontaneity, we then traveled to a wine bar for appetizers and, of course, wine. After persuading two of our guy friends to join us, we made a meal out of hors d’ouevres and settled into a relaxing, random evening.

During a post-church dinner the next night, the group planned a Monday night ice cream social. It was just the latest in what we’ve dubbed our “college nights.” Although we range in age from 23 to 34, there’s something about these spontaneous “school night” gatherings that we love. Maybe it’s the warm weather or our undying youth, but we love Tuesday night pool parties and dinner parties, like the one I just returned from.

And then Tuesday I took my favorite 2-year-old boy out for ice cream, balloon animals and playground fun.

Yes, Mark, we live in different worlds–and while I know you’re content with your place in life, I enjoy my quirky blend of single gal-about-town and domestic queen. I adore my little world, and I love the people who populate it.

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