What would you do if I sang out of tune?

A Re rose to BTM’s challenge and composed an essay, lobbying for my continued friendship. Now, since we’ve been friends for nearly nine years and we still talk almost daily, I think she’s got a pretty solid case without submitting a composition. (I wouldn’t mind those monthly payments, though.)

Even so, her essay made me laugh out loud and reminded me of how much I appreciate her friendship. An excerpt:

I am so awesome that only I have the perfect out of tone singing voice to compliment CJ’s and make any one within earshot wish they were deaf while we belt it out loudly and off key. My awesomeness means that CJ profits from my shopaholic ways and gets an occasional box/bag/pile of clothes. I keep her entertained with the total “winners” I’ve dated over the last 9 years of our friendship (there was the stoner, theater major, “Old man”, “Cat”, “Grandpa”, the guy that offered to drive to Bama and buy her a stake, and others that shall remain fond/scary memories).

Find more on Just me thinking out loud…

One thought on “What would you do if I sang out of tune?

  1. I crack myself up! Oh and about those month friends fee payments…I don’t make that much money yet but check back with me in 10 years.

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