This day’s been crazy but everything’s happened on schedule

I don’t have much to say. I just really wanted to use that subject line. 🙂

I had a good, albeit exhausting and discombobulated, day. I switched from reporting to the copy desk this week. (For those of you non-journalists, that means instead of writing, I’m editing for style and grammar as well as designing pages.) The hours are 2:30 – 11:30 p.m., so when I woke up this morning, I felt like I’d been run over by a truck. Somewhere along the way I’ve become a morning person, so right now my poor little body is utterly confused.

But a cup of coffee (O’Henry’s African roast) brought me to life. I had lunch with Kate at Cobblestone – it was good to get to know her a little more and to talk about all sorts of things, past and present and possibly future. Hopefully we can do that again. I think we have a lot in common!

Then it was back to work. I am enjoying learning all this stuff, but wow oh wow, I’m exhausted right now. It doesn’t help that I’ve had tummy problems all day, either. 😛 In any case, I think my pages for tomorrow look lovely, even if no one else will pay them any mind.

They’re already asking me if I want to stay on the copy desk permanently (and already realizing that my heart is really in writing). I mean, it’s hard to say after only two nights… but the hours are not my style, how do you have a life outside the newsroom? How do you have friends who have normal jobs? I don’t get that. But this is definitely something I want to learn… I just don’t anticipate falling in love with it. I mean, I’ve been obsessed with writing for almost 15 years.

Crappy crap crap. I just realized I can’t go to RMC on Sunday. I have to WORK.

For now, I think I’ll drift to sleep with the sounds of RMC in my ears…

“How full of doubts I live, though full of grace thou art”

One thought on “This day’s been crazy but everything’s happened on schedule

  1. the 2:30 – 11:30 shift doesn’t sound too bad, i might like it. but i see what you’re saying about having a life outside the news room. hopefully you’ll find a better situation soon.

    i hope alisa doesn’t read about how you ordered non starbucks coffee. for shame! 😉

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