Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there’s a land that I heard of once in a lullaby

I have a great imagination. Often, it gets the best of me. I like to imagine myself into these alternate realities. They’re not entirely unlike my life, but they are generally a bit more than what I am.

My latest daydreams feature me as a twentysomething journalist. (See? I told you they’re not that unrealistic!) I travel the city in search of the next story for Birmingham magazine. I spend weekends roaming my Southside neighborhood, mingling with the neighbors and people-watching in Five Points. My designer glasses lend an air of cool to my practical approach to life.

Or sometimes I’ll change up more than my job status (I’m really an intern), neighborhood (I’m 20 minutes away) and glasses (mine are from Wal-mart – but I like ’em anyway!). Sunday I decided that the world’s best job would be to select the music for Starbucks’ mixed CDs. Have you ever noticed how good the music in there is? It makes my little heart happy.

What if I traveled abroad for a year, evangelizing and writing about my experiences? Stick this little southern gal in country far from her own and see what happens. It could be an interesting experiment, don’t you think?

Truth is, I rather like my reality. My home may not be my own and my job may be unpaid (and part time), but I still think I’m living the high life. So what if I have to drive 20 minutes to church? Life goes on, and in this life, that’s a dang good place to be.

So I’m a little behind on the church search updates. Gimme a few days and I’ll get back to you.

One thought on “Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there’s a land that I heard of once in a lullaby

  1. “I decided that the world’s best job would be to select the music for Starbucks’ mixed CDs. Have you ever noticed how good the music in there is? It makes my little heart happy.”

    Yes, it is good, the first couple of days in a row listening to it. 😉

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